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St Vincent de Paul Primary School, 167 Ligonniel Rd, Belfast

We are a Rights Respecting Community who are committed to actively promoting the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.


2016/2017 School Year

11th Jun 2017
All the boys and girls enjoyed a special end of year trip to the Ark Farm.  We...
9th Jun 2017
Today over 150 children along with their parents met at 8am to enjoy a lovely...
8th Jun 2017
Last year our junior school completed the ParkLife Challenge Walk, raising over...
4th Jun 2017
Well done to all our Primary Seven pupils for their excellent performance of High...
14th May 2017
The Nursery boys and girls have been learning all about life cycles, insects, plants...
14th May 2017
The boys and girls of Saint Vincent de Paul visited Ballysillan Nursery Unit.  We...
10th May 2017
Best of luck to our Fisca Choir who were chosen perform with the Belfast School...
10th May 2017
Our Primary 3 children have to say farewell to their special award in choral speaking...
24th Mar 2017
The RNLI spoke to the children in Primary 5, 6 and 7. The key message was to think...
16th Mar 2017
In honour of our Patron Saint, children came to school wearing green. We also held...