ParkLife Challenge

Dear parent
Our Primary 1 and 2 children will be participating in a sponsored Park Life Challenge on Friday (3rd June).
ParkLife is an education programme designed to encourage children and their families to get outdoors and explore nature in Belfast’s parks. The purpose is to spark the children’s curiosity for the natural world while promoting healthy living and general well-being.
As you are aware, we have acquired more playground space since the Tavern was demolished and we are hoping to use the sponsorship money to further develop our outdoor play area.
We plan on spending the whole day at the park. The children will take part in a range of challenges and activities, these include;
- Mini-beast hunt
- Bird watching
- Photography competition
- Assault course
- Natural Treasure Hunt
- Fun and games
The children should come to school as normal and bring a coat. If it looks like it is going to be a sunny day, please ensure that they wear a hat and have sun cream on. The school will provide a picnic lunch for every child on this day so the children do not need to bring anything with them.
Thank you for your continued support
Ms Glover
Key Stage 1 Coordinator
St Vincent de Paul Primary School, 167 Ligonniel Rd,
Belfast, County Antrim, BT14 8DP | Telephone: 028 9071 7920